I'm an academic and writer working on contemporary book cultures, unexpected histories of reading and the space between books and art. Mainly I write and publish, but also produce creative-critical research, and have recently been exhibited at the Bodleian Library and at Shandy Hall, Yorkshire.
With Simon Morris and Adam Smyth I'm one of the founding editors of Inscription: Journal of Material Text, an innovative annual publication bringing together artists, book historians, and academic theorists to consider the writing surface and the act of mark-making in the broadest senses. Read our latest call for papers here.
Over the past two decades I've worked and taught at several HE institutions and held visiting and research fellowships at Yale, Oxford, the Beinecke Library and Cambridge University Library. I'm now Fellow in Book History at the Institute of English Studies, University of London where I'm working on a project about the page: an object that seems simple, but which gets much stranger the closer you look.
I write and review regularly for the London Review of Books and TLS, and inhabit the hellhole of Twitter as @roguepages.