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I made a series of flipbooks, commisioned by the Bodleian Library, Oxford, for their 2022 exhibition, Sensational Books. Each book explored a different sense - sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste - and asked what we do with our bodies when we read. I also made a special double sided-version for sale in the Bodleian shop. See more here.

Pale Fire

I produced a fascimile re-edition of Nabokov's novel, Pale Fire, with the text partially obscured by hands, pencils, scissors etc, and letting the pages unfold a different story about messy and embodied reading. It was commissioned for the 'Imprints: Art Editing             Modernism', exhibition at Shandy Hall in Yorkshire, (Aug - Sept 2021). Some images here.


Drood, Indexed

As part of the printing collective 39 Step Press, I was invited to contribute to the Yale Book History series 2020-21. Our collaborative work was a creative index to Dickens' Edwin Drood, which took the novel apart, reassembling it as a card box purporting to index its every possible aspect. This was then acquisitioned by the Beinecke Library. Some pictures here.

Very Like a Whale

With 39 Step Press I produced “Very Like a Whale”, a creative printing of Moby-Dick selected for display at    Blackwell Hall, Bodleian Library, (Oct 2019 - Jan20). See more on the 39 Press website.

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Sonnet 126

With 39 Step Press: Our partial blind printing of Shakespeare's “Sonnet 126” was displayed as part of Bodleian Library’s sonnet printing exhibition, 2018, and is now in the Bodleian's collections. Read more here.

Printing Matter

This small book, 'Twenty-six poems in Morse Code', was printed while on the 2018 Printing Matter group residency at Skaftfell, Iceland. More images of work from the residency here.

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Alas, Poor Yorick!

With 39 Step Press: A chapbook devoted to the famous black page in Laurence Sterne's novel Tristram Shandy, using printing furniture, lino blocks, and blank type. The chapbook is now in the Beinecke Library's collections. More images here.

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